Vedic Astrology

Horary Astrology is a question-based astrology. You come with questions, I will cast a specific chart for that question and unpack it for you. If you know your birth time and place, I can take a closer look at what the planets are creating in your life.

Ask a Question

Astrology is the divine science that can let you know what destiny holds for you. It can erase your doubts and fears, and answer your queries about career, marriage, money and life as a whole et cetera. It is the key to get rid of worrisome questions.
Note: Only one question can be asked in this service. Answer will be short having approx 100 – 150 words.

Ask 3 Questions

Astrology is the divine science that can let you know what destiny holds for you. It can erase your doubts and fears, and answer your queries about career, marriage, money and life as a whole et cetera. It is the key to get rid of worrisome questions.
Note: Only three questions can be asked in this service. Answer will be short having approx 120 – 170 words each.

Astrological Remedies

I will offer a series of remedies that pacify the negative effects of the planets based on the placements of your birth chart. The remedies offered are easy to do, and can be done by anyone, anywhere in the world. If you need a specific remedy for any area of your life, simply let me know and I shall do my best to accomodate your request. 

Millionaire Signature

Open the gateways to luck in all/some areas of your life and then activate that gateway to release its blessings. This is done through the science of numbers. You are nothing but a combination lock. I can give you that combination to open this lock. This is highly recommended and sacred service.

Cosmic Cycles

Practiced by my great-grandfather, these calculations were passed down to me. When you are in tune with the cycles of the cosmos, you live a life that is in more flow and understanding. You will receive your personal best days for love, business, health, mental clarity, and spirituality. You can then get the most of these days.

Personal Numerology Report

Your 50 page report includes everything you will ever need from a numerology report. You will also receive a forecast for the current year, month to month and day to day. This is a very detailed and comprehensive report, explaining to you your life lessons, karmic lessons, your destiny, life path, hearts desires, pinnacles, life cycles, mental, physical & spiritual transits.

All in One package

Save by getting this all in one package PLUS get 3 services I offer. Vedic Astrology + Millionaire Signature + Personal Cosmic Cycles. For the month of June, you get the numerology report worth R351 or $35 FREE.